Digital Court Reporter


This job posting was marked by employer as filled and is probably no longer available
Phillips Reporting
December 10, 2019
Orlando, Florida
Job Type


Seeking a Digital Court Reporter to join me and my growing team.  Our client base is growing and we need to keep up with the growth.

Most of this position is remote from your home office, and on the road to and from court.  This is very interesting work, with a good salary, flexible schedule, and professional work environment.  We are seeking someone who is professional, confident and reliable, with a willingness to learn a new skill set.  You will be appreciated and compensated for all of your hard work.  We value a good attitude and the ability to follow through.

The ideal candidate will have a Florida Notary, have legal experience, own transportation, be a quick study, have excellent English and grammar skills, is well spoken, dependable and reliable.  Must value communication and timeliness.


  • Florida Notary
  • CER credentials through AAERT (preferred)
  • Type 50+ wpm
  • HS Diploma
  • Own Transportation

You will be tested for this position.  The selected candidate will be fully trained for the position and will be provided with all the tools necessary in order to be successful in this position.  This is an independent contractor position.

To Apply: Visit the website below and click on the APPLY button to send your resume in PDF format OR feel free to use the form below.


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