The idea of working from home conjures up images of staying in your pajamas all day, treating your pets as coworkers, and having the TV on in the background. However, when working as a digital reporter, professionalism and the right environment is key.
Digital reporters, also known as digital court reporters or electronic court reporters, are neutral third-party officiants of legal proceedings. They capture the record using high-quality audio equipment, swear in the witness, manage the exhibits, and ensure the integrity of the record.
When working for a court reporting agency, these reporters are often independent contractors who, like most gig economy workers, are seeking new opportunities, the flexibility to set their own schedule, and a positive work-life balance.
Like most legal professionals, digital reporters have also had to change how they work during the pandemic. Instead of working from a conference room at a law office, they are now taking part in virtual proceedings from the comfort of their own homes, via video conference technology. While this new remote workspace has given digital court reporters more flexibility and the opportunity to continue earning a living in lockdown, it has not altered the clients’ expectation of professionalism, decorum, and customer service.
Even from home, digital reporters are expected to:
- Dress in business attire (from the waist up, at least!)
- Be Polite, courteous, and professional
- Conduct the proceeding in an environment free from distraction or erroneous noise
- Utilize technology to capture the record
- Act as an important part of the legal process
Digital reporting is the fast-growing method of court reporting with companies and courthouses across the country looking for new recruits. Whether you live in a large city or small town, the growing utilization of remote proceedings has opened up the opportunity for everyone. Even if COVID-19 was cured tomorrow, it is well understood that virtual proceedings, and the need for court reporters to participate in them, will continue into the foreseeable future.
If you are interested in learning more about digital court reporting and training with BlueLedge to become AAERT certified, check out our courses page at https://crtclassroom.blueledge.com

Benjamin Jaffe is the Manager of Digital Training and Development for BlueLedge