DCRT24 Week Feature Interview | Stacy Pusateri

How and when did you get into the industry?  In 2010 I started in the Court Reporting industry attending stenography school. I was not able to reach the speed that is required to graduate.  The director of the school informed me of digital reporting.  I researched BlueLedge and started the program in 2022. I became a DR in 2023; and I finally became a Court Reporter, which has always been a career dream of mine.

How did BlueLedge courses or instructors help you?  BlueLedge courses were self-paced, which is one of the reasons I chose the program.  The instructors were always on hand whenever I had a simple or complex question.

What would you say to somebody starting out as a digital reporter or legal transcriptionist?  It is a great career for someone who needs a flexible work schedule and is interested in the legal industry.

What was a memorable experience you’ve had as a reporter or transcriptionist? My most memorable experience as a reporter was a case that involved a witness who lost a child and was testifying.  It was very hard not to show emotion throughout the deposition, but I know that is part of my job.

If you’re a BlueLedge student who would like to be featured, let us know!